My name is Don, a Digital Marketing Expert and certified Google Ads specialist dedicated to creating effective Google PPC campaigns for clients seeking increased visibility and sales. Maximize your investment on Google by ensuring you pay for the right clicks and have the proper conversion codes installed on your website. Transform your website or landing page to be conversion-optimized. I offer monthly plans for Google Ads and website support to keep your online presence running smoothly, securely, and reliably.

Feel free to call or text me on my number 305-407-2422 or WhatsApp

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Digital marketing expert, Google Ads, SEO, Speed

Improve your Sales, get leads and scale up your business with Google Ads, SEO, Speed from $299 per month

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Monthly Website Maintenance Retainer

Web Retainer - We take care of your website on a monthly basis. from $150 per month

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Website Creation
Website Redesign

Time for a New Design for your site! Convert more clients with new visuals from $199 per month

How is your business website performing?

I understand that you may not have the time or expertise to determine if your website is functioning properly. Ensuring that your site runs smoothly requires hours of maintenance and a steep learning curve in web development. But you’re not a web developer—you’re a doctor, lawyer, roofer, or have another profession entirely! That’s why you should hire us for website maintenance and a monthly retainer to keep your site in top shape and improve it over time. We are committed to helping you.

a man is sitting on the floor and watching a webinar on a sports website

I'm a Tutor on

Do you ever feel the need to help others by teaching them how to simplify complex tasks and turn their goals into reality? This is my mission and vision for online teaching. I specialize in Google Ads,  Digital Marketing, Web DevelopmentWordPress, Elementor, SEO, and Spanish. Looking for an online tutor? Hire me!



18 years doing Digital Marketing and Website Creation it’s not one successful Story! You can read Hundreds of Testimonials in Testimonials

Or see some of our Profiles Online, to see history and reviews!

Contact Us

We would be delighted to hear from you, call Us 305-407-2422 or fill the form below.

Or Schedule a meeting with me: